When attending instructor-led courses in and around Columbia, MO, real estate schools will use another real estate school’s textbook.  For me, that just didn’t work.  As I was teaching, I found myself making excuses for poor explanations or incorrect review questions that were never addressed by the publishers, no matter how many times I complained.

And each state has its own requirements for content to be covered and the length of required coursework.  As I proceeded with my own school, I looked at other sources of books, but companies who provide them will write it once for the state with the most requirements and then roll it down, knowing it will suffice for all states.  So what you end up with is a 400-page book when you only need at best half of that.  That didn’t work for me, either.

What did I do?  I wrote my own.

The folks in charge of issuing real estate licenses provide a detailed list of all the topics they expect you to know.  And I wrote my book specifically for that.  I don’t view our job as teaching you how to do real estate.  There are many reasons folks might want to get their salesperson license or upgrade to broker. It’s too broad for me to teach it all.  I view our job as hitting the mark of what the state wants you to know so you’re best prepared to pass the exam.

And that’s exactly what my class – and the content I created – does. The results prove the approach – we’re currently averaging a 67% first-time pass rate for both exams, well above the state average of around 40%.

I also realized that just sitting in a class isn’t enough. Exam prep tools are where it’s at! Why should you have to pay more for exam prep tools? Every class we offer comes with an over-sized question bank for you to leverage as you prepare for the real estate exams.

So when looking for a Columbia, MO real estate school, check us out! We also have remote options if you can’t make the drive… Take a minute to look around the rest of the site, reach out with any questions you may have, or just skip to the good part and sign up today!