Au contraire, mon frère. There are some differences we think are very important.

  • Success Focused

We have one job – to make sure you pass the real estate exam. . We understand why other schools will try and inundate you with all kinds of other cross-selling and up-selling. That benefits the school, not you. We are student-driven; your success is our primary goal.

  • Translation

Real estate license test questions are tricky. The questions use a jargon you’ve likely never seen. They’re also written in an overly complex, academic style.

We add to our course sections, practice, and information so you can learn what the questions are “really asking”. This is the part that tripped me up when I took the test. Let me share my mistakes and knowledge with you so that you can avoid those common pitfalls that often cause people to fail their first and even second time.  Or third, but don’t ask me how I know…

  • Question Bank

Real estate education isn’t difficult to pick up, but the exams don’t ask you to simply regurgitate information – they ask you to apply what you’ve learned.  The best way to do that is practice, practice, practice exam questions. With few exceptions, all our packages come bundled with a question bank of nearly 1,500 questions to help you prepare for the exam.

  • Community

Have you ever set a personal goal but struggled to stick to it? “I’m going to the gym every morning before work.” Or “I’m going to take this online real estate license course in the evenings and finish in a month.” But then life takes over and six months later you’re still not going to the gym or taking your real estate license test.

We’ve all been there. That’s why we provide online student community forums and access to our experts. Finding others to study with, practice, and hold each other accountable is extremely important and valuable. Find a study partner, network, ask each other questions, even organize a zoom study session. All of that is possible with our online student community.  And we’re still here for your individual questions.

  • Built FOR Missouri

We’re going to let you into a little secret most schools won’t tell you.  Their content is created for many states and includes information, while valuable as a real estate professional, isn’t necessary for you to pass the Missouri set of examinations.  We know what’s needed for Missouri and help you focus on that material.